You’d think that hypocrisy on this scale, and this blatant, automatically disqualifies any would-be political figure and their acolytes. Not so, in some cases (although the actual support these people have amassed remains to be seen during elections).

I will refrain from attributing any genuine sentiments to “nationalist” candidates and their campaigners, peppered throughout Europe, since I don’t believe these people have any principles – apart from the “sacredness” of whiteness, perhaps, should they even believe in that. As things stand, they are cynical cravers of political pie, using (often nonsensical) improv to lure members of the public, or to encourage the mentally ill ones. Their rhetoric is so contradictory it cannot be the fruit of reasoning.

Resistance for me and not for thee

While this post refers to incitement against minorities as a political weapon, it’s worth delving deeper into the possible reasons these “patriots” deny the rights of Palestinians, subjected daily to murder, starvation and destruction since last October, while harping on about every ethnic group having the obligation to defend its members and territory, including by force, at the very same time.

The claim that they’re fighting for the oppressed and against colonisation, out of principle, collapses on its face the second they support the colonisation and mass murder of civilians in Palestine.

While they envisage inevitable civil wars throughout Europe, namely mass violence started by their camp, to “chase out invaders”, they argue the armed resistance of Palestinians is terrorism. Under international law, occupied peoples can resist militarily, without infringing on it. This does not excuse the killing and kidnapping of civilians, which is a war crime – however, it puts things into broader perspective.

Of late, Israeli settlers have been repeatedly filmed destroying aid trucks for a starving population located mere kilometers from the border. While children are dying of starvation. These political prostitutes cannot bring themselves to condemn the most heinous acts known to man, such as the mass killing, maiming and forced starvation of children. But locals trust them to represent them and have empathy for them? Is it not clear that these people have no conscience and their rhetoric borders on psychopathic?

Mind you, these people are talking about civil wars across Europe due to an excess of Black and Brown faces on their streets. Just imagine if they were living in an open air prison, with no human rights, like the people of Gaza have for the past 75 years.

So why the monumental hypocrisy?

Hypothesis 1: They’re trying to disguise the Neo-Nazi elements within their ranks

Quite poorly, I might add, since some of them directly reference the Great Replacement theory, typically blamed on Jewish people, thought by conspiracy nutcases to “control the planet”. By wrongfully conflating Jewishness with Zionism and showing support for Israel, or indifference to its actions, they can claim they don’t attract and harbour genuine antisemites (which they do).

Today, some of the leading voices against the genocide in Gaza are Jewish. They include Holocaust survivors and their descendants, like professor Norman Finkelstein, who has spent decades documenting Israel’s occupation of Palestinian territories and brutal oppression, complete with unjust imprisonment, torture and regular mass murder waves, phrased as “mowing the lawn”.

Had these so-called luminaires and freedom fighters been alive during the Holocaust, what would they be saying? Germany hasn’t done anything to us; why care?

Jews are being persecuted, especially in Germany, for opposing genocide (again). Let that sink in.

You couldn’t make it up, when they are arrested for antisemitism of all things, as it happened recently, when the German police stopped a peace conference and arrested people. Norman Finkelstein, the son of Holocaust survivors, was banned from entering Germany to attend the conference and even participating via video link from another country or sending his own contribution to be viewed in the country. This would have put him afoul of German law. Where were the censorship cries from the hypocritical right? Where is their discourse about free speech? Again, free speech for me, but not for thee. These people are transparent.

Deliberately conflating all Jewish people with Zionists, and with the actions of the state of Israel, endangers them all over the planet and is reprehensible. It gives rise to actual antisemitism, which was already a problem, and emboldens Neo-Nazis to claim they were correct all along. Is this perhaps a covert agenda by some of these far right figures? One would have to suspect them of complex thought and long term planning, which is unlikely, since they appeal to base instincts for immediate gain.

Hypothesis 2: It’s a purity test to attract the stupidest and most vicious

Also known as the crime of crimes, genocide is the very worst action humans can take on this planet. There is no worse instinct and mindset than wanting to eradicate an entire group of people (and doing it). It’s a mindset of utter psychosis, utter destructiveness, utter sadism. A nation abandoning itself to it is a nation of psychiatric patients, and their country, an asylum for the criminally insane, at least temporarily.

If public speakers can sell you genocide, there is nothing you won’t buy from them going forward.

It’s a litmus test. At that point, you will have abandoned your mental faculties and morality to them. It’s the lowest of the low; you literally could not go lower than that, as no crime exceeds it. Try it, as an exercise of imagination.

Normally, it would be the other way around – those considering giving them votes, financial support and whatnot, would recoil in utter disgust and leave the building, regardless of what else said speakers were arguing for. It wouldn’t matter.

Do you want to get your reality testing from people telling you to disbelieve your lying eyes, at times trying to shift the meaning of this atrocity with metaphysical improv, as if there were some cosmic design behind land grabs and mass slaughter?

Hypothesis 3: Networking with other conservative groups

For openly conservative groups, supporting Israel is known to be the party line. However, some of these so-called nationalists tout themselves as politically unaffiliated, grassroots independents, yet still maintain the genocide support or indifferent stance.

However, they form cliques; their rhetoric is similar, if not identical in many European countries. They praise each other across border lines, as their aim of “defending European whiteness” unites them. Some conservative groups are sponsored by the Israeli lobby, extremely influential in the UK and US. Some of these independents openly praise the mainstream far right.

It’s worth wondering if this counter-intuitive stance on resistance is a way of kissing more affluent rumps, in hopes of climbing the ladder. I shouldn’t mention that this is not an anti-establishment position, which these demagogues live by; it is the parroting of a narrative the establishment pushes and people overwhelmingly reject, as proven by mass protests against the genocide.

So, are they with the people or the ruling elites? Why are they parroting the lines of the lying mainstream media? Has it suddenly stopped lying? Has the typical war time propaganda, documented for decades, including during the latest Iraq war, suddenly become truthful?

Hypothesis 4: They are emboldened by the mass murder of Muslims with impunity

This is the worst scenario by far, yet absolutely worth considering. The language used this year by these propagandists is more vicious than it has been in a long time. The skin colour and religion, not just of recent immigrants but also of citizens in formerly white European countries, are discussed openly, with seething contempt.

These people have seen Palestinians dehumanised by political figures, with the complicity of a subservient mainstream media, for 8 months and counting. Perhaps they want to foster the same climate here in Europe, in order to attack ethnic minorities, albeit not necessarily using violence.

Why is actual violence on a mass scale, despite what they claim, improbable? In order to engage in it with the hopes of being successful, they would need to be confident of two things:

  1. That most of the population shares the same sentiment and would support the unrest.
  2. That law enforcement and the army would eventually turn against the government.

If the latter fails to happen (and generally it only happens under brutal dictatorships), organisers and participants are prison fodder, swiftly overpowered by the state and locked up. It is no longer feasible to engage in the same type of offensive as 100 or even 50 years ago. For better or worse (in this case, for the better) the state apparatus is now very efficient. This is why the silly brains in the US, holding on to their 2nd amendment, are fully mistaken, as they have no chance in hell of taking on their government by force. Instead, they allow for mass shootings, including in schools, to take place on a regular basis.

In most European countries it is either illegal or very difficult to own a fire arm. So what are we talking about here, when they envisage civil war? Arson, machetes, home-made explosives? What do they reckon their fellow countrymen, whom they claim to respect, will do to people of other races?

This is most likely (to reserve a margin of error) a fevered fantasy. It is most likely demagoguery and fearmongering – which is not to say that their incitement won’t result in attacks and murders: isolated targeting, quashed riots etc. Perpetrators would be arrested and thrown in prison for years. Demagogues know this and don’t care when they egg it on.

It’s safe to say that they don’t hold the majority opinion on this issue.

In the UK, not only have the Tories been excoriated (for a great number of reasons); Labour in their current form have also lost support, after backing the Tories on this issue and after the revelations of the documented coup against Jeremy Corbyn. Despite what some conspiracy theorists say, it does appear that voting matters – otherwise there wouldn’t have been such an ample smear campaign against Corbyn and supporters of his platform.

Whatever backing and adulation they gain at the moment, history will not be kind to genocide supporters, just as it was not kind to those who pushed the Iraq war, or to Germany after WWII. They should know that much. Never mind that the death toll in Gaza is an underestimation, as its almost complete destruction has not allowed for every single victim to be recovered and accounted for. The real numbers will emerge later, as they always do.

Joining the far right is a choice which cannot be taken back. Whatever happens, the fever will die down eventually. The public still has a pulse and treats atrocities with revulsion.

As long as most people hold on to their humanity, there is hope.